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Award Winner

Central Moravian Church

Bethlehem, PA

The Central Moravian Church Project involved modernizing the 275-year-old church with a VRF and duct system.

Central Moravian Church


Central Moravian Church


Snyder Hoffman


Snyder Hoffman



Completion Year


Market Sector

The Central Moravian Church Project was a Turnkey Mechanical, Electrical and General Construction project for Worth and Company.  Worth was tasked with taking a 275-year-old Church and bringing it into the modern air with a VRF and duct system being total electric and not running of fossil fuels.

Worth successfully installed the new systems while maintaining the existing gas heating system, ensuring continuous operation during key periods such as Christmas, Easter, and Moravian University’s graduation. The team expertly navigated the unique conditions of the basement, characterized by 36” stone walls and low ceilings, while prioritizing storage and accessibility for the building. Collaborating with Snyder Hoffman, Worth effectively turned the client’s vision into reality. The project showcased meticulous planning and coordination, allowing for modern upgrades to be seamlessly integrated with the historical integrity of the church. Through innovative engineering solutions and a commitment to sustainability, Worth and Company installed a state-of-the-art VRF system that enhanced energy efficiency while preserving the aesthetic charm and spiritual ambiance of the centuries-old structure.

The Moravian Church is considered one of the oldest protestant Christian denominations, with roots in the 15th century. Uniquely enough, this project has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage site list, it is the 26th World Heritage site in the United States and the third in Pennsylvania. The recognition by UNESCO highlights the historical and cultural significance of the Moravian Church’s legacy.

Related Approach

  • Virtual Design & Construction (VDC)

Related Attribute

  • Award Winner

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